Build your best ideas together, in Google Docs

Create and collaborate on online documents in real-time and from any device.

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Seamless collaboration, from anywhere

Edit together in real-time with easy sharing, and use comments, suggestions, and action items to keep things moving. Or use @-mentions to pull relevant people, files, and events into your online Docs for rich collaboration.

Write faster with built-in intelligence

Assistive features like Smart Compose help you write faster with fewer errors, so you can focus on ideas. And save time with spelling and grammar suggestions, voice typing, and quick document translation.

Seamlessly connect to your other Google apps

Docs is thoughtfully connected to other Google apps you love, saving you time. Reply to comments directly from Gmail, embed charts from Google Sheets, and easily share via Google Meet. You can even search the web and Google Drive for relevant content and images, directly from Docs.

Bring collaboration and intelligence to other file types

Easily edit Microsoft Word files online without converting them, and layer on Docs’ enhanced collaborative and assistive features like action items and Smart Compose. You can also import PDFs, making them instantly editable.

Do more with add-ons

Access a variety of third-party applications, right from Docs. Whether it’s an e-signature app or project management tool, open it from Docs to work faster.

Work on fresh content

With Docs, everyone’s working on the latest version of a document. And with edits automatically saved in version history, it’s easy to track or undo changes.

Stay productive, even offline

You can access, create, and edit Docs even without an internet connection, helping you stay productive from anywhere.

Security, compliance, and privacy

Secure by default

We use industry-leading security measures to keep your data safe, including advanced malware protections. Docs is also cloud-native, eliminating the need for local files and minimizing risk to your devices.

Encryption in transit and at rest

All files uploaded to Google Drive or created in Docs are encrypted in transit and at rest.

Compliance to support regulatory requirements

Our products, including Docs, regularly undergo independent verification of their security, privacy, and compliance controls.

Private by design

Docs adheres to the same robust privacy commitments and data protections as the rest of Google Cloud’s enterprise services.