COVID-19 Testing 101: The Basics at a Glance

COVID-19 testing is continually evolving. However, it’s helpful to know the basics, such as the types of tests available and when each is used. Based on data from the FDA and clinical resources like this one, we’ve compiled an at-a-glance primer on COVID-19 testing basics (accurate as of blog publication date).

Test type Molecular Tests (RT-PCR) Antigen Tests Serological Tests
What it measures Virus DNA material Virus proteins IgM & IgG antibodies
Use to diagnose Active infection Active infection Past infection
Reliability Highly accurate but false negatives can occur - Positive results are usually accurate
- Negative results are less reliable and may require a molecular test
Past infection
How collected Nasopharyngeal, nasal, throat and saliva (a few tests) Nasopharyngeal or nasal (most tests) High potential for false negatives and positives
Where Lab, point-of-care and home Lab, point-of-care and home Lab and point-of-care
Prescription needed Yes Yes Yes
Results Minutes to 7+ days Minutes to days
(tend to be faster than PCR)
Often same day but may take several weeks
Approved Tests FDA EUA list FDA EUA list FDA EUA list

Here’s more helpful information about COVID-19 testing:

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