U.S.-China Climate Change Working Group (CCWG)


The U.S.-China Climate Change Working Group (CCWG), first launched in April 2013, is a comprehensive framework for facilitating constructive U.S.-China cooperation and dialogue on climate change. The CCWG currently includes nine action initiatives covering major sectors of the economy, and features the active engagement of a broad set of national and local interagency actors in both governments, as well as civil society, academia, and private sector partners.

CCWG Climate-Smart / Low-Carbon Cities Initiative and the Summits

The Climate-Smart / Low-Carbon Cities Initiative of the CCWG was launched in November 2014 in the Presidential U.S.-China Joint Announcement on Climate Change. A key feature of the Climate-Smart / Low-Carbon Cities Initiative is that the United States and China will hold an annual Climate-Smart / Low-Carbon Cities Summit.

The first Summit was held in September 2015 in Los Angeles. The second Summit was held in June 2016 in Beijing. The 2017 Summit will be held in Boston. The Summit includes multiple elements, including a high-level plenary at which leaders declare their resolve, ambition, and actions on climate change; working-level technical exchanges to share experience and best practices; and an exhibition to highlight solutions to climate mitigation and resiliency.

Related Resources

To find tools for urban decarbonization and energy demand sector analysis, please visit international.lbl.gov/tools.