Contact Graduate and Teacher Training Admissions

Have a question for the Graduate or Teacher Training Admissions teams? Please do get in touch with us.

Admissions enquiries

External visitors

- Currently external visitors cannot visit the Bloomsbury campus. As such, it may not be possible for you to visit the Admissions and Recruitment Hub. But, UCL will grant exceptions if you have an email, or an invitation. If you have any questions for us, we recommend you use the telephone or enquiry form options.

The Graduate and Teacher training Admissions office is open to respond to telephone or webform enquiries Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm (excluding Bank Holidays and UCL closure days).

In person enquiries

We recommend using our contact form for a quick and easy way to resolve most enquiries. But, if you have an enquiry and are in London (or on the Bloomsbury campus), you can use the Admissions and Recruitment Hub. Location Chadwick Building Room G02 (open Tuesday to Friday 10am – 4pm). Located on the Bloomsbury campus, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT.

Telephone enquiries

Our contact form provides a quick and easy way to resolve most enquiries. But, if you have an urgent enquiry you can contact us by telephone. Lines are particularly busy July–September, which may result in a wait time. Telephone +44 (0)20 8059 0939 (open Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm)

Admissions contact form

Get in touch with the Graduate and Teacher Training Admissions team by using our contact form. If you are a third party, such as a university, who wishes to provide a document (e.g. transcript or award letter) on an applicant’s behalf (not including teacher trainers), contact us separately.

Do not use this form for IOE enquiries about National Professional (NPQ) programmes. You need to contact the UCL Centre for Educational Leadership. The Admissions team cannot help with enquiries about these programmes.

Current and Affiliate students should not use this form

Do not use this form if you are a UCL student unless you have been instructed to. You should contact your department or use askUCL. To contact admissions about Affiliate study at UCL, please visit our Study Abroad web page on how to apply. This is for applicants studying at a university overseas applying to spend up to one year at UCL as part of their overseas degree.