Due Dates & Resources for Quarter End-of-Year Reports

Four end-of-year reports require certification in June and July. These reports aggregate data from the entire school year’s reporting timeframe.

Behavior Certification Report:

Bullying Certification Report:

Truancy Certification Report:

Daily Attendance Certification Report:

End-of-Year Exiting of Students from State Synergy

All student enrollments must be exited from State Synergy on or before June 30, 2024. This includes students who are attending year-round programs. Exiting students, either manually or via upload, with the most up-to-date code will help ensure that fall reports are accurate. This can specifically impact graduation and dropout reporting in the fall. Information about exit codes for specific situations can be found on the Synergy Instructions page under the Data Dictionaries for Student Exit. EOY Reporting webinar link.


Special Education Exit Report

Students who have exited special education services during the reporting period (school year 2023-2024, July 1-June 30) must have special education exit dates and an exit reason added to their enrollments in Synergy State Edition. Student information must be entered or uploaded into the Synergy State Edition by the school the student attends. If a student will still receive special education services next year, their special education status in Synergy remains the same. SAUs are required to certify the exit data using the Special Education Exit Report found in NEO on the Student Data/Student Reports module.


For questions about end-of-year reports, please contact MEDMS.Helpdesk@maine.gov or call 207-624-6896